12 August 2016 The Society of the Holy Child Jesus has made the global refugee crisis a priority for prayer and action. The Society’s European Province is using some funds from a recent sale of property in Preston, England, to fund projects that work with migrants. One of these is Revive, a community project that […]
Watch: Thanksgiving Mass at Mayfield Chapel
A special Thanksgiving Mass was held Saturday 18th June in the Mayfield Chapel of Mayfield School, UK, to celebrate the school’s 150th anniversary. This special anniversary Mass featured the premiere of a specially commissioned setting of Cornelia Connelly’s prayer ‘Let us love one another’, composed by Sir James MacMillan, the internationally acclaimed composer, and performed […]
2022-28 Society Leadership Team Elected
27 April, 2022 The Society of the Holy Child Jesus is delighted to announce that the Leadership Team for the years 2022-2028 has been elected at the Delegate Session of its 28th General Chapter in Nemi, Italy. Sr. Pauline Darby, a member of the European Province, was elected to a six-year term as Society Leader. She […]
28th General Chapter Taking Place: Please Join Us in Prayer
Lenten Reflections
From the Archives: Memories of the Lancashire Cotton Famine
European Province Archives: Professions of Cornelia Connelly and Others
‘A light spreading thence all over the world’: the professions of Cornelia Connelly, Mother Maria Cottam and Mother Mary Ambrose Selby. From the European Province Archives Despite the global pandemic, the SHCJ’s celebrations of its 175 years over 2020 and 2021 have succeeded in providing moments of reflection on the Society’s past while taking action […]
United with the Whole of Humanity: Violet Butler and the SHCJ
European Province Unveils Archives’ Online Exhibitions
Schools Mark SHCJ Anniversary with Tree Plantings