Participants in CAFOD’s Step into the Gap programme.
Alongside the many ministries which members of the European province engage in individually and through community, there are three works to which we offer some financial support:
Step into the Gap is a year-long programme run by CAFOD in partnership with the Society of the Holy Child and others. It enables young people aged 18-30 to have experiences in ministries in the UK and developing countries and to deepen their own faith. To learn more visit https://cafod.org.uk/Education/CAFOD-Gap-year
Loaves and Fishes is a drop-in centre which serves homeless people in Salford and Greater Manchester providing support and a safe place to visit. Among other things, it offers a cafe, showers, laundry facilities, clothing, a doctor’s practice and a dental service. To learn more visit http://www.salfordloavesandfishes.org.uk/
Ruhama (a word which means ‘mercy’) is a Dublin based NGO which works with women affected by trafficking and prostitution. To learn more visit ruhama.ie.