Triduum Reflections



Tonight, for so many of us, there will be no ceremonial washing of the feet, no solemn proclamation of the gospel. But in hospitals, homes, hostels and shelters, all over the world, washing, anointing, consoling, supporting, giving tender and urgent care is happening. We are celebrating the liturgy of Life as we do what we can to put into practice the lessons of love from the One who loved us to the uttermost. John 13:1



Today we cannot gather in our churches to take part in the solemn Reading of the Passion. We will not be going in procession to venerate the unveiled Crucifix. But each of us can take some quiet time to “survey the wondrous cross”. As Mary stood steadfastly beneath it, at one in love with her Son, so may we continue to share in the world’s passion, so much suffering and death, and pray for the world’s healing.




That’s where we find ourselves in our liturgy of life these days: waiting, simply waiting. But without answers or direction as yet. That’s how it was for His mother and His frightened, runaway friends. But, because of who we are and Whose we are, we can wait in trust: “Love WILL come again like wheat that springeth green.”



With the Risen Jesus there is no “social distancing”! How he loves to meet us in unexpected times and places: dawning sun in the garden; through the locked doors of our fearful hearts; on the runaway road; on the shore after a night of failure. We simply must draw near. So, in the strength of our renewed baptismal promises, we pray for our suffering human family: “May the Light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.”

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