14 August, 2023

“The love of God towards us is the propelling force of our choice to the religious life.” This was the core of the homily delivered by the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Lagos, Most Rev. Dr. Adewale Martins, the presiding Bishop of the two-fold celebration of the Profession of Perpetual vows of Sisters Atochi Foby, Victoria Ikwen and Theresa Nwaigwe as well as the Silver Jubilee of Sisters Oyidu Okwori, Florence Owuamanam and Patricia Oyeocha, all SHCJ. The ceremony took place at the Catholic Church of the Assumption, Falomo, Lagos State, Nigeria on Saturday, the 5th of August, 2023.

The ceremony was co-celebrated with some Priests from Lagos and those from the various Parishes the Sisters celebrant work or had worked, including Ghana, Benue and Calabar. Emphasizing on the need to respond positively to the call of God as a token of our expression of love for Him, the Bishop stated that we should always remember that it is God who loves us and makes choice of us and He demands that we remain in His love as a sign of our faithfulness to His covenant and to the vows we have made. This faithfulness is binding to everyone irrespective of the state of life we are called to.

The rites of Profession and Jubilee were observed solemnly and our Society Leader Rev. Sr. Pauline Darby, SHCJ, received the Perpetual Vows of our Sisters and the renewal of Vows of our Jubilarians. It was a source of inspiration for all present and everyone participated keenly and internalized all the rites that accompanied each stages of the ceremony. The Eucharistic celebration was concluded with a proposal of appreciation to all who were in attendance by our Province Leader, Rev. Sr. Helen Ebede, SHCJ.
The reception ceremony was another remarkable moment. The families of our Sisters celebrants, friends, well-wishers, associates as well as all SHCJ family converged at the Holy Child College Hall, Obalende to continue the festivity in a social atmosphere. All were well fed and had enough to drink. The Parish entertainment groups had a variety of presentations to “spice” up to the occasion and cheer all present. It was indeed a day that we would not forget in a hurry. It was soul-lifting, glamorous, exceptional, auspicious, and amazing.
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