International associates meeting at Mayfield in England.
Associates of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus are women and men living their baptismal commitment in the spirit of the Holy Child Jesus.
They are called by God to live the Gospel message in a mutually supportive relationship with the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus and one another. The Association is open to both single, married and celibates of all cultures who feel called to share in the mission of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus.
Are you yearning for something “more” – more guidance in prayer, more ways to share your faith in simplicity, humility, charity and joy with like-minded women and men, more inspiration and more fulfillment in life whatever your vocation? It is time to join our Associates in mission.
Sr. Justina Chikezie, SHCJ – PLT Liaison for Associates –
Contact – 0805 319 9975
Emails: PLTtina@shcjafrica.org , tinachikezie@yahoo.com
Zonal Associates Coordinators:
- Sr. Elizabeth Njoku – Nigeria: North-North (Agbaduma, Asa and Otukpo)
Email- enbettie@gmail.com
- Sr. Lelia Duru – Nigeria: North-North (Bauchi and Jos) –
Email: ndije2012@gmail.com
- Sr. Lena Nwaenyi – North-Central Nigeria/Chad (Abuja)
Email: anwaenyi@yahoo.com
- Sr. Patricia Thomas – North Central Nigeria/Chad (N’Djamena) –
Email: thomaspatrica464@yahoo.com
- Sr. Agnes Solomon – Nigeria: South-East (Calabar and Port Harcourt) –
Email: agnesolomon@yahoo.com
- Sr. Ewoma Ezaga – Nigeria: South-East (Agulu, Oghara and Sapele)
Email: ewomezaga@yahoo.co.uk
- Sr. Uche Diyoke -Nigeria:South-West (Abeokuta, Lagos and Oshogbo)
Email: ucmiriam@yahoo.com
- Sr. Angela Adimazoya – Ghana: South (Accra, Cape Coast and Takoradi)
Email: aadimazoya@yahoo.com
- Sr. Alberta Bonle -Ghana: North (Bolgatanga, Goaso and Walembelle
Email: abonle@yahoo.com