‘My Dialogue With a Butterfly’: A Poem

February 22, 2016


by Sr. Veronica Ufomba SHCJ Vero Ufomba


Butty, Butty! That’s what I call you!

You’re so beautiful, so free to fly

You don’t seem to have any worries in life

You can fly and perch on any tree

You can fly and perch on any flower

You can eat their pollen with freedom

You are so free and beautiful.


God made me a caterpillar,

I was made good and beautiful

As I grew, I had both good and bad experiences

I picked up different characters from those experiences

Some of these characters were healthy

Some, not healthy

The unhealthy ones became a burden to me.


I was afraid

I thought the world was crashing at me

I formed cocoon to protect and defend myself

The cocoon and unhealthy characters covered me

They began to weigh me down

I could neither move forward nor backward

I got trapped in a place

Then, I looked unpleasant

I became weary and worried

I sought help from my Maker

I yearned to be what my Maker made me to be, good and beautiful.


My Maker was pleased with my longing

He told me not to worry

He assured me of his unfathomable love and redemption

He told me to be patient and to remain in my cocoon for a while

I waited with patience for my Maker

I trusted him with my entire heart

All of a sudden, the cocoon gave way

I became free and more protected by my Maker

I became the beautiful butterfly you see

I am a transformed caterpillar

It is my friends that call me butterfly

I am good and beautiful.


You can be like me

You can be yourself again

You can become free like me

The freedom that comes from the Holy Spirit

The freedom to discard trivialities

And to hold on to what is good

You can become the person God created you to be

God is always ready to set you free from your burden

From all that weigh you down

From the entire things that make you look unpleasant

To set you free from the cocoon that covers you

And gives you his divine protection and providence

So that you might be more like him, good and beautiful

So that you can serve as he served

So that you can love as he loves

So that you can joyfully proclaim the Good News in your time.


Thank you, Sister Butty Butty!

For teaching me that I, too, can be transformed, irrespective of my present nature and nurture!

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