How We Serve

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

  The presence of the Incarnate Word shines out from the heart of all Creation.   - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin As Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, whose charism is Incarnational, “we commit ourselves to explore ever more deeply and...

In Action: Care for our Common Home

The second goal of the Society Strategic Plan 2014-20 is to commit ourselves to seek a deeper understanding of creation and to exercise a practical concern for the ecological issues facing our planet. Below are some of the actions the Society...

In Action: Helping Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers

The Society's 2016 General Chapter calls us to address the root causes of violence, war, human trafficking and the myriad humanitarian and environmental crises of our time and respond to them collaboratively through actions in accord with our spirit...

SHCJ Responds to Laudato Si'

  The Society responded to Laudato Si’ , Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment and human ecology, in a number of ways. Six Sisters and two Associates have written responses to the encyclical. Responders: Betsy Keating Lena A. ...


Philomena Grimley from the European Province provides service at a food pantry in Preston. Cornelia Connelly’s motto for her community, “Actions Not Words,” captures her understanding that living the Gospel is the best way of preaching it. F...


Holy Child schools around the world are rooted in the educational tradition of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus sharing in its mission to help others believe that God lives and acts in them and in our world. Cornelia Connelly, founder of the...

Peace, Justice and Care of Creation

Rev. Aniedi Okure and SHCJ Sister Catherine Callaghan rally in Washington, DC to demand the return of hundreds of young women kidnapped from their school in Chibok, Nigeria. The Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus have committed ourselves and the...